i need to get in the habit of writing just for the hell of it, so here we are:
been torrenting all of gen 1 beyblade slowly; it's a struggle because there's barely anyone seeding these torrents. which makes sense for a... ~10 year old shonen anime for kids, but man. i just want my RAWs so i can make blends and whatever else. i'm almost done with g-rev, after that i have to finish v-force and then hunt down a torrent for 2000. phew.
alongside this torrenting i've started a rewatch and the nostalgia has been nigh overwhelming. in a very chest-squeezing, bittersweet sort of way: i love this silly kids anime so much, it was such an important part of my life and revisiting it now, an entire decade after my last foray into rewatching it, feels really comforting. reminiscing like this also lead me to rekindle a friendship with someone i was really close to, so it's been a win/win tbh
ummm what else... living in fear of the next twst event, because unless they do a rerun they have a very limited number of original JPN server ones to pull from now. there's tamashina & the deuce/queendom of roses event, and that's it i think? and i'm not ready for tamashina leona. i'm just not - both emotionally & in terms of my gem reserves LMAO. to be very embarrassing, though, i miss leona. glomas is a fun event, i liked the character depth and development it gave idia, azul and malleus but i'm a girl with a one-track mind
(sometimes): no leona, i immediately knock off like... one and a half stars. jk. but also
amg, i forgot to mention: had a very weird beyblade-related dream, LMAO. can't recall the details, cause y'know, dream, but rei had a son for some reason? nobody knew who the mother was - rei wouldn't say and also dream logic did not answer that question for me - but he just. had this child. the minutiae is lost to awake!me but at some point bryan kidnapped the baby to lure rei into a trap, because even a decade out i know in my heart that ever since their battle in 2000 that man has wanted rei dead. anyway, he kidnaps the baby, rei ofc has to get him back. more minutiae, rei nearly kills bryan by using driger to pump him full of enough voltage to black out a city block, kai (who is, as expected from me, dating rei in this dreamscape) decides that to protect this little family he's sort of ended up with he has to get them out of russia. all in all, a very odd dream for an anime i only just started revisiting this year. but i guess my heart knows when it's home
tried to 11ty my site today, didn't work, got confused. gave up. started to get frustrated, so i'll try again a different day
final thoughts: i don't think i'm built for flirting over text message, i'm way more of an in-person... person for that sort of thing. it's so hard for me to gauge, like... warmth level over text for people i'm not already kind of familiar with. idk how people do hinge/bumble/etc dating; it sounds like the most frustrating thing. times like this i wish i could trade personalities briefly with my much more online charming friends
final final thought: indigo by RM is still a fantastic album, we really let that one pass us by entirely too quickly. joon's voice is so good to listen to