just for fun
ere is where i keep all the little knick-knacks i don't necessarily have another space for - that means things like surveys, quiz results and any other collectibles i pick up on my adventures through the small web. to see my hoard, click on the section titles. everything is linked back to its source, so if you want to partake yourself, you can. enjoy!

from burypink
- 1) time and date u started this? 1:59pm on 15/11/2023
- ) asl? 30, girl, somewhere!
- 3) opinions on musicals? i feel... i dont have enough whimsy for them
- 4) favorite snack? honey flavoured teddygrams
- 5) have u ever been in love? i think it was? at the time
- 6) favorite pokemon? espeon!
- 7) mario kart main? princess peach ♥
- 8) tf2 main? my secret shame is i've never played tf2
- 9) do you laugh at youtube poops? i haven't seen a ytp in years
- 10) are you listening to music right now? nope! yout*be video abt jersey shore
- 11) favorite shape? circles, i like the lack of edges
- 12) do you believe in astrology? not really
- 13) do you believe in the occult? yes!
- 14) opinions on vocaloid? good π
- 15) would you ever want to be a rockstar? i did as a kid! i used to write lyrics - they weren't good
- 16) do you easily get stressed? very much so :x
- 17) what is/was your favorite class in high school? english! i also took law & anthropology & loved them
- 18) what pokemon type would you be? dual types are allowed lol i like the devious nature of steel/fairy
- 19) rei or asuka? why pit two queens against each other
- 20) favorite html tag? details & summary ♥
- 21) are you religious? not at all! probably agnostic
- 22) opinions on nightcore? also good π
- 23) did you go through any major phase? (emo, goth, weeaboo, etc) yeah LOL i was a weeb in my early teen years and then an emo/weeb mix
- 24) are you good at drawing? nope; i wish i was
- 25) do you crack your joints? all the time
- 26) do you read visual novels? yep!
- 27) can you sew? a bit!
- 28) can you cook? also yep! i find it really relaxing
- 29) most expensive thing you've bought? uh probably a piece of tech
- 30) opinions on cosplay? i don't do it but i'm always impressed by people who do, that's a lot of hard work
- 31) what's your most hated band/musician? i'm basic so probably
tswiftor matt healy - 32) are you a dramatic person? extremely yes
- 33) what emoticon do you use most? ":/" or the π emoji
- 34) can a miracle certainly occur? i think anything is possible, honestly
- 35) would you let a vampire suck ur blood? yaw, why not
- 36) do you have a celebrity crush? don't think so! maybe the closest is my love for megan thee stallion but that's not a crush
- 37) do you like snow? nope π hate shovelling
- 38) were you really into greek mythology as a kid? not overly but i def thought it was cool
- 39) what are some things you could competently deliver a speech on? beyblade, batman, the right to repair...
- 40) are you good at spelling? i like to think so!
ignoring my dyslexia - 41) which touhou wud u fuk? i don't know touhous very well i'm sorry π
- 42) do you think there's going to be a robot takeover? less a takeover and more of a collapse
- 43) HAS SCIENCE GONE TOO FAR??!?!??!?! once we invented smartphones we had gone too far tbh
- 44) would you be an angel or devil? devignel
- 45) sine, cosine, or tangent? you're zetta slow!!
- 46) do you like licorice? ew
- 47) whats one thing you cant stand that everyone else loves? people like the cold, idek what that's about
- 48) what books did you like as a kid? peter rabbit, winnie the pooh, & i was really into eragon in high school
- 49) can you play any instruments? no :/ i wish i could
- 50) what song would you want to play at your wedding? lovesong by the cure
- 51) do you believe in reincarnation? yeah, kinda!
- 52) finish the sentence: I'm just a guy who ______ ... makes the biscuits (not quite how that saying goes but)
- 53) have you been to another continent? naur
- 54) whats your worst habit? i bite my lips, often enough to bruise/bleed
- 55) favorite vegetable? corn ♥
- 56) whats something stupid that scared the shit outta you as a kid? there's a really old pc game called ice & fire, that game used to scare me so bad
- 57) whats one of your guilty pleasures? shlocky horror movies
- 58) would you rather be a ghost or a vampire? vampire, i wanna be corporeal
- 59) what do you fear most? dying
- 60) do you sleep with any plushies? yes, one: my leona nui
- 61) what hobby do you just not understand? used to be birding/bird-watching but now i get it: nature is nice. so now i dunno
- 62) do you like the taste of alcohol? only if it's sweet
- 63) are you a hopeless romantic? not really
- 64) which deadly sin best fits you? sloth or greed
- 65) which of your physical features do you like the most? i think my nose is cute π!!
- 66) are your ears pierced? yup, twice. i want another
- 67) have you ever been in a physical fight? prrrrobably? in high school
- 68) where do you buy your clothes? depop/thrifting
- 69) where would you live if you could live anywhere? i like where i live, honestly
- 70) do believe in magic? or is it all a trick? both things can be true at once πͺ
- 71) have you read umineko when they cry? you should! i haven't :0 but i might
- 72) what is the worst chore to do? washing dishes. nothing worse than touching wet food
- 73) what did your parents almost name you? no idea!
- 74) what would you want your name to be if you were not your current gender? something edgy like maverick or maddox or xander
- 75) what were your first words? probably mama or dada
- 76) what do you want your last words to be? "lived, served cunt, died"
- 77) when did you first regularly start going online? like 8-years-old?
- 78) what year do you miss the most? the 2010s - a decade but still. good times
- 79) are you psychic? no but i be knowing things
- 80) would you fuck a clone of yourself? you're not allowed to kill yourself. to satisfy my curiosity, yes
- 81) what do you use to listen to music? spotify (π) or my own personal library (π)
- 82) whats the biggest city you've been to? new york city
- 83) favorite animal? tigers! but i like all big cats
- 84) what web browser do you use? firefox
- 85) are you allergic to kitty cats??????????? yes :(
- 86) do you like energy drinks? never had one
- 87) would ever spend money on tf2 unusuals/csgo skins/gacha pulls/etc not a tf2 girlie, but i don't spend money on gacha so no
- 88) when do you usually go to bed? i try to make it between 10pm - 12am
- 89) how often do you wash your hair? normal amount
- 90) would you download a car? absolutely & without question
- 91) what was your favorite show as a kid? beyblade, digimon, pokemon, dbz, spongebob, the usual
- 92) whats the silliest hat you own? i have a beanie w/ kitty ears
- 93) what album/song do you're feeling angsty i don't listen to sad music when i'm sad, only happy music
- 94) do you make OCs? yes, frequently!
- 95) whats the goofiest thing you do when completely alone? i pace around a lot when i'm thinking
- 96) do you like fireworks? yes!
- 97) favorite painter? not cultured enough to have one yet, but i will be
- 98) favorite numbers? i like even ones!
- 99) what genre of vidya gaems are you really good at? (fps, fightan, danmaku, racing, whatever) rpgs, visual novels, point-n-clicks
- 100) time and date you finished this? 2:17pm on 15/11/2023
pocket bishounen
catch your own?